
辽师大成人期末 🦉 考试(辽师大英语四年级 🐟 上册期末考试卷)

  • 作者: 李芸汐
  • 来源: 投稿
  • 2025-01-11

1、辽师大成 🐕 人期末考 🐛

辽师大成人 🐛 🐈 末考 🌷

为巩固和检验成人学习者的学 🦍 习成果,辽,宁师范大学针对成人教育学员开展了期末考试旨在全面评估学员在课程学习中的掌握程度和应用能力。

考试时间 💐 地点 🐞

考试时间一般安排在每学期末,具体时间会提 🐅 前通知学员考 🐧 试。地。点通常设在辽师 🌾 大指定校区或合作的成人教育中心

考试 🐴 科目 🦉

期末考试科目根据成人教育专业和课程设置而定,涵盖学历层次考试和非学历培 🐝 训考试的各个学科。

考试 🦢 🦆

考试形式包括笔试、机考和实践操作 🐵 等多种方式,具体考试形式由课程教学计划规定。

考试 🐠 🌲 🐱

考试成绩以百分制计分,及格分数线根据不同专业和课程要求而定考试成绩。将,作为学员学习成果评估的重要依据用于评定 🐠 学业成绩、发。放证书等用途

🦆 习准备

为了取得良好的考试成绩,学,员,需,要提 🕷 前做好复习准备制定学习计划认真梳 🦢 理课程内容重点掌 🦄 握重点难点知识。

其他 🐅 注意 🐘 事项 🌲

1. 考 🐺 前须携带本人身份证 🐎 、准考证等有效 🐼 证件。

2. 考试期间不能携带与考试无关物品 🌾 ,如,有违规将按相关规定处理 🐠

3. 考生应遵守考试纪律 💐 ,诚,信答题杜绝任何形式的作弊行为。

4. 考试结束后,学,员,可 🌻 查询 🪴 考试成 🌴 绩如有疑问可向相关部门提出申请进行成绩复核。

2、辽师大英 🐡 语四年级上 🐼 册期末考试卷

辽师大英语四年级上册 🦆 期末考试卷

一、单项 🕷 选择(每题 1 分,共分 20 )

1. I have been to Beijing twice, but I have never _____ to Shanghai.

(A) been

(B) gone

(C) went

(D) was

2. The weather in Harbin is _____ than that in Guangzhou.

(A) much colder

(B) far more cold

(C) colder much

(D) more cold far

3. I'm _____ to play basketball with you, but I have to study for my exam.

(A) interested

(B) willing

(C) able

(D) agree

4. If you want to improve your English, you should _____ English every day.

(A) practice

(B) practice to

(C) practicing

(D) practiced

5. He was _____ angry that he couldn't speak.

(A) too

(B) so

(C) such

(D) very

二、完形填空(每题 1 分,共 🌴 分 10 )

I went to the supermarket the other day to buy some food for dinner. I had a list of what I needed, but I couldn't find everything on the list. I asked a worker for help, and she led me to the aisle where the items were located. I was so grateful for her help, and I thanked her sincerely.

As I was walking out of the supermarket, I saw an old woman standing by the door. She looked confused and lost. I asked her if she needed any help, and she said that she had lost her way home. I offered to help her find her way back, and she agreed.

We walked for a while, and I finally recognized a landmark that I knew from my neighborhood. I pointed it out to the old woman, and she realized that it was near her home. She thanked me profusely for my help, and I felt happy that I had been able to help her.

🐺 、阅读理解(每题 2 分 🐎 ,共 💐 分 10 )

Passage 1

The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. It was built over 2,000 years ago to protect China from invaders. The wall is made of stone, brick, and earth, and it is over 21,000 kilometers long. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it is visited by millions of tourists every year.


6. What is the main purpose of the Great Wall of China?

7. How long is the Great Wall of China?

Passage 2

The internet has become an essential part of our lives. We use it to stay connected with friends and family, to learn new things, and to get information. However, it is important to be aware of the dangers of the internet. There are many websites that can harm your computer, and there are many people who can use the internet to steal your personal information.


8. What are some of the benefits of using the internet?

9. What are some of the dangers of using the internet?

四、翻译(每题 3 分,共 🐶 分 9 )

1. 我喜欢和 🐝 我的朋友一起玩。

2. 这本 🐝 小说 🐛 太短了 🐎 ,我读完了。

3. 他不得不学习英语,因为他 🌿 想出国留学。

🦉 、写作(共 🦋 10 分)

写一篇 100 词 🐱 左右的作文 🐕 ,题目是“My Favorite Season”。

3、成人本科期末考试是 🐬 线上还是线下 🌳

成人本科期末考 🐘 试线上线下模式之争

随着科技的进步,在线教育成为成人学习的重要方式 🐯 。对,于成人。本科,期末考试是采用线上模式还是线下模式也引发了广泛讨论本文将探讨线上和线下考试的优缺点并分析其对学生教、师。和教育机构的影响

1. 线上考试的优势 🐕

便 🌳 利性:学生可以随时随地参加考试,无需舟车劳顿赶赴考场 🦅


公平性:线上考试系统通常会采用防作弊措施,确保考试 🐧 公平公 🐳 正。

节省成本:不用租用考场 🍀 、印刷试 🕊 卷和人员监考节省,教育成本。

2. 线下考试的 🐳 🦉

传统性 🦄 :线下考试是长期以 🌷 来的考试模式,受到社会的广泛认可。

严肃性:面对面的考 🐦 试氛围更加严肃,有助于学生集中注意力答题 🌴

🦊 动性:线下考试允许学 🐛 生与教师进行互动,提出疑问或澄清问题。

公平性:线下考试可以避免技术故障或作弊行为 🦉 ,保证考试 🐋 结果的可靠 🌳 性。

3. 对学 🐟 生的影 🐠

线上考试:便利、灵活,有利于时间紧张的成人 🌾 🍁 生。

线下 🐶 考试 🦍 :严肃、互动,帮,助学生集中注意力掌握知识 🍀

4. 对 🦄 教师的 🐺 影响

线 🐟 上考试:节省时间、轻松监考,但需要设计防作弊机制。

线 🐳 下考试:传统、严谨,但,工作量大 🐺 需投入大量时间和精力。

5. 对 🦟 教育机构的影 🐴

线上考试:节省成本、提高效率,有利于扩 🦉 大招生规模 🐋

线下考试:维持传统、保障质量,但 🌹 ,成本较高受场地 💮 限制。

线上和线下考 🐅 试模式各有优劣,对于成人本科期末考试的最佳选择取决于多种因素。教育机构需要根据实际情况、学,生。需,求和教育质量来综合考量选择最适合的考试模式随着教育技术的不断发展线上线下融合的考试模式 hybrid 也,值,得。探索以兼顾线上和线下的优点为成人学生提供更加优质的考试体验