
2021华交专升 🦆 本(2021年 🐵 山西专升本录取分数线)

  • 作者: 王希柠
  • 来源: 投稿
  • 2025-02-12

1、2021华交专升 🕸 🌿

2021年 🦢 华侨大学专 🐠 升本科招 🌷 生指南

🐦 、招生 🦁 专业

华侨大学2021年专升本科招生专业共开设 🐳 15个专业,具体如下:

1. 电子 🦋 信息工程

2. 计算机科学与技 🐦

3. 通信 🐦 工程

4. 物联 🐝 网工 🦢

5. 自 🐬 🐦 🐞

6. 机械设计制造及其自 🌷 动化 🌾

7. 电 🕊 🐝 工程及其 🌹 自动化

8. 土 🐅 🐞 工程 🦆

9. 建筑 🐈

10. 经 🐬 🍀 💐

11. 工 🍀 🐋 🦊

12. 会 🐵 🐡

13. 新 🐺 闻学

14. 广 🍀 🐡

15. 法 🌴

二、报名条 🍁

1. 具有中华 🦉 人民共和国国籍,且,拥护中国共 🦢 产党的领导拥护社会主义制度。

2. 已获得国民教育系 🦊 🐘 专科或以上学 🐶 历。

3. 身体健康,符合教育部规定的 🌲 体检标准。

4. 报考专业与所获专科 🦆 专业相近 🌷 或相同。

三、报 🌹 名时间及方 🐞

1. 报 🌷 名时间:2021年4月1日月 🌿 日-515

2. 报名方式:网上报名,登录华侨大学本科 🪴 招生网(进行 🌼 报名。

🌿 、考试科 🐘

1. 公 🐠 共课:大 🐬 学英语、计 🐠 算机应用基础

2. 专业课:根据 🦅 🌼 报专业不同而有所不同

五、录取 🐶 🌷

1. 根 🌲 据考生笔试成绩、面试成绩和专 🐈 业课成绩综合评定,择优录取 🐒

2. 录取比 🐅 例一般 🐈 为1:1.2。

3. 有专科期间获奖或发表过论文等情况的考 🐦 生,可适 🦈 当加分。

🐼 、学制及 🕷 学位

1. 学制 🌾 :2年

2. 学位:本科毕业后,符,合学位授予条件的授予相应 🐡 学士学位。

🕷 、联系 🐱 方式

地址:福 🌹 建省泉州市 🐠 惠安 🦆 县紫山路668号

🪴 🦅 :0595-

🐛 🐠

2、2021年山西专升本录取 🐎 分数线

2021年山西专升本 🍀 录取分数线


2021年山西省普通专升本考试录取 🐶 分数线已公布。与往年相比,今年。的录取分数线总 🐵 体呈现上升趋势

二、文科 🌸 🦄 分数 🦊 线

序号 | 院 | 校文 🦊 🦄 类分数线

------- | -------- | --------

1 | 山西 🌷 大学 🐦 | 220

2 | 山西师范 🦅 大学 | 210

3 | 山西财经 🐯 大学 | 205

4 | 太 🐝 🐯 理工 💮 大学 | 200

5 | 山西医 🐴 🐬 大学 🐺 | 195

🕸 、理 🕊 科类分数线 🐈

🐡 号 | 院 | 校理科 🐴 类分 🍁 数线

------- | -------- | --------

1 | 山西大 🐒 学 | 225

2 | 山西 🐋 师范大学 🐋 | 215

3 | 山西财经大学 🐦 | 210

4 | 太原 🦍 理工 🦁 大学 🐝 | 205

5 | 山西医科大学 🌹 | 200

四、其他注意事 🐱 🐶

录取分 🌲 数线为最低录取分数,不同院校不同 🌵 专业的实际录取分数可能更高。

考生可登录山西省教育考试 🕊 院官 🕸 网查询详细录取信息。

考生如有疑问,可咨询招生院校或当地 🌻 教育考试机构。

3、2021年河 🐳 南专升本英语答 🪴

2021年河南专 🦉 升本 🐋 英语答案

1. 语 🐦 法填空(10分 🦄

1. The students are not ________ yet.

2. The weather ________ warmer in spring.

3. I've lost my umbrella. I can't ________ it anywhere.

4. It's time for us ________ to school.

5. The movie is very exciting. I ________ to watch it again.

2. 阅读 🍀 理解(15分)

Passage 1

The world is changing rapidly, and with these changes come new challenges. One of the most pressing challenges is climate change. Climate change is a global phenomenon that has the potential to affect all aspects of our lives.

The greenhouse effect is one of the main causes of climate change. When we burn fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, we release gases into the atmosphere that trap heat. This trapping of heat leads to an increase in the Earth's temperature, which in turn has a wide range of negative consequences.


1. What is one of the main challenges facing the world today?

2. What is one of the main causes of climate change?

Passage 2

The Internet has had a profound impact on the way we live our lives. It has made it easier for us to communicate with friends and family, access information, and conduct business. However, the Internet also has some negative consequences. One of the most concerning is its potential to spread fake news.

Fake news is intentionally false or misleading information that is presented as factual news. It is often spread through social media and can be difficult to identify. Fake news can have a negative impact on our ability to make informed decisions and can even lead to violence.


1. What is one of the negative consequences of the Internet?

2. What can be a potential impact of fake news?

3. 完 💐 形填空 🐯 (10分)


I was 10 years old when I (1) ________ to the United States from Mexico. I didn't speak English, and I was (2) ________ of being different.

At first, I was (3) ________ to try to fit in. I wore baggy clothes and tried to act like the other kids. But it didn't (4) ________. I was still different, and I started to feel (5) ________.

One day, my teacher asked me to give a speech about my culture. I was (6) ________, but I did it anyway. To my (7) ________, my speech was a success. My classmates asked me (8) ________ questions about my culture, and I felt proud to be different.

From that day on, I (9) ________ to embrace my culture. I started to (10) ________ Spanish and get involved in Mexican traditions. I am proud to be who I am.


A. went

B. came

C. arrived

D. moved


A. afraid

B. worried

C. scared

D. anxious


A. determined

B. hesitant

C. eager

D. willing


A. work

B. fail

C. succeed

D. matter


A. sad

B. alone

C. happy

D. excited


A. excited

B. confident

C. nervous

D. afraid


A. shock

B. surprise

C. disappointment

D. relief


A. many

B. few

C. some

D. no


A. began

B. started

C. continued

D. stopped


A. learn

B. forget

C. study

D. teach

4. 短 🕷 文改 🍀 🐧 (10分)


I am writeing this letter to apologize for my behavior in class. I am sorry for being noisy and disruptive. I know that my behavior was disrespectful and inconsiderate.

I am determined to change my behavior. I will try my best to be more polite and respectful in class. I will also try to be more engaged in the lessons and to participate more actively.

I hope that you will give me another chance to prove myself. I know that I can be a positive member of the class.


1. writeing -> writing

2. inconsiderate -> inconsiderately