云 🐝 南专升本 🌾 返校(云南专升本2024什么时候考)
- 作者: 陈若兮
- 来源: 投稿
- 2025-02-12
1、云 🦊 南 🦉 专升本返校
云南专升本返校 🐅
一 🐒 、返 🐅 校时间及流程 🌼
云南省2023年专升本 🐠 返校时间已确定,具体时间为 🦈 :
本科院 🦅 校 🌸 :2023年9月1日
高 🌳 职高专院校:2023年 🕸 8月28日 🦄
返 🐕 校流程如下 🌾 :
1. 查看返校 🐳 通知,确认返校日期和注意事项。
2. 准备必要的证件 🐡 和材料,如学生证 🐧 、身、份证录取通知书等。
3. 按照指定时间和地点 🐠 报到,接受健康检查和领取宿舍钥匙。
4. 完 🌼 成报到手续,入,住宿舍整理内务。
二、开 🐅 学 🕷 准备
1. 生活用品:被褥、床、单、洗漱用 🕸 品换洗 🐱 衣物等。
2. 学习 🐘 用 🌸 品:教科书、笔、记、本笔笔 🌿 记本电脑等。
3. 电 💐 子设备:手机、充电、器耳机等。
4. 财务准 🐴 备:学费、住、宿 🐎 费生活费等。
5. 心理准备:调整 🍁 好心态,做好适应新环境的准备。
三 🐶 、返校 🦋 注意事项
1. 遵守防疫规定:佩戴口罩、保、持社交距离配合学校的疫情防控 🦆 措施。
2. 遵守校 🐺 纪校规:了解学校的规章制度,尊重老师和同学。
3. 合理安排时间:制定学习和生活计划,并严格 🌲 执行。
4. 积极参加活动参加:社团、学生会等活 🐎 动,拓 🌿 ,展人际关系丰富大 🦍 学生活。
5. 寻 🦆 求帮助:遇到困难及 🌿 时向辅导员、老师或同学寻求帮助。
2、云南专升本 🌼 2024什么时候考
3、云南 🦁 专 🐟 升本英语真题试卷及答案
云 🌻 南专升本英语真 ☘ 题及答 🐕 案
一、单 🦢 选题
1. What is the most important thing that you have _?
(A) learned
(B) learnt
(C) learnedly
(D) learning
2. Lucy is a good girl who is _ popular with her classmates.
(A) very
(B) much
(C) more
(D) well
3. Don't worry. I'll help you _ your problem.
(A) to solve
(B) solving
(C) solve
(D) to be solved
4. This is the most beautiful city I have _ visited.
(A) ever
(B) already
(C) since
(D) yet
5. The teacher, as well as his students, _ here now.
(A) are
(B) is
(C) was
(D) were
二、阅 🦍 读理 🦢 解 🦍
The world is facing a serious problem of pollution. The air is polluted by car exhaust, factory smoke, and other harmful substances. The water is polluted by industrial waste, sewage, and chemicals. The land is polluted by garbage, toxic waste, and pesticides.
Pollution has many negative effects on our health and the environment. Air pollution can cause respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer. Water pollution can contaminate drinking water, making it unsafe for human consumption. Land pollution can damage soil fertility, making it difficult to grow food.
There are many things that we can do to reduce pollution. We can drive less, walk or bike more, and use public transportation. We can recycle and reuse materials, and reduce our consumption of goods. We can also support businesses that are committed to reducing pollution.
1. What are the sources of air pollution?
2. What are the effects of water pollution?
3. What are some ways to reduce pollution?
三 🐼 、写作
请以“环境保 🐴 护”为题写一 🦍 篇短文,字 🐛 数100-150。