2016成人本科考试(2016年成人 🌷 高考录取最低分数线 🌸 )
- 作者: 郭梁浅
- 来源: 投稿
- 2025-02-18
1、2016成人本 🪴 科考试 🐛
2、2016年成 🐴 人高考录取最低 🦊 分数线
2016年成人高考录 🌳 取最低分 🦆 数线 🌲
一、概 🐠 况
2016年成人高考录取最低分数线已 🌳 于近日公布,各省市具体分数线略有不同。总,体,而。言分数线与去年基本持平部分省市略有上涨
二、分数 🦢 线查询
考生可 🦅 登录各省市考试院官网或查询相关官方渠道查询,具体的分数线。以下是部分省市的分数线:
1. 北京市:文史类 130分 🦋 ,理工 🍀 类分 140
2. 上海市:文史类 🌸 120分,理 🐅 工类分 130
3. 广东 🌲 省:文 🌷 史类 110分,理工类分 🌵 120
4. 江苏 🐅 省:文史类 130分,理工类 🌹 分 🌳 140
三、录取原则 🐶
成 🌺 人高考录取遵循以 🐬 下原则:
1. 从高 🦉 分到低分择优录取。
2. 根据各专业的录取计划,按照 🌴 计划数额从高分到低分择优录取。
3. 同等分数条件下,优先录取报考第二 🌵 志愿或服从调剂 🐺 的考生。
四 🌺 、注意事项
1. 分数线仅 🐞 供参考,实 💐 际录取情况以各院校的录取通知书为准。
2. 考生应及时关注各院校 🦋 的录取信息,以免错过 🐬 录取机会 🐴 。
3. 对于被录取的考生,需,根据院校要求及时缴纳学 💐 费 🦍 并办理相关手续。
3、2016年 🦟 成考英语 🌼 试卷及答案
2016 年成 🍁 人高考 🦟 英语 🐕 试卷及参考答案
I. 选择题(每题 1 分,共 🕊 分 20 )
1. The boy is ______ at playing chess.
(A) clever
(B) more clever
(C) cleverer
(D) the cleverest
2. ______ you work hard, you will succeed.
(A) So that
(B) As long as
(C) As soon as
(D) Even if
3. He has no car, ______ he does have a motorbike.
(A) but
(B) so
(C) yet
(D) or
4. We were ______ a good time.
(A) have
(B) having
(C) had
(D) to have
5. ______ to the library yesterday.
(A) I went
(B) I had gone
(C) I have gone
(D) I would have gone
6. If you keep on smoking, ______ ill.
(A) you get
(B) you will get
(C) you have got
(D) you would get
7. He looks ______.
(A) happily
(B) happy
(C) the happy
(D) more happily
8. ______ the rainy season, we can't go out.
(A) As
(B) Because of
(C) While
(D) In order to
9. It is ______ for us to learn English well.
(A) importance
(B) important
(C) more important
(D) most important
10. The boy is ______ as his father.
(A) so tall
(B) as tall
(C) taller
(D) the tallest
11. ______ you don't work hard, you won't succeed.
(A) If
(B) Unless
(C) Although
(D) Because
12. How ______ is the new car?
(A) much
(B) many
(C) more
(D) most
13. ______ a big city, London has many famous buildings.
(A) Being
(B) To be
(C) As
(D) Been
14. ______ you started to learn English?
(A) How long have
(B) How long have you
(C) How long is it since
(D) How long is it before
15. He ______ that he would go to the party.
(A) says
(B) said
(C) will say
(D) telling
16. If I ______ you, I would not buy this book.
(A) am
(B) was
(C) were
(D) have been
17. ______ the old man, the young man is very strong.
(A) Comparing to
(B) Compared to
(C) Compared with
(D) Comparing
18. It is ______ to me to ride a bike.
(A) easy
(B) easier
(C) easily
(D) the easiest
19. I ______ to the library next week.
(A) go
(B) will go
(C) have gone
(D) going
20. We ______ a meeting tomorrow.
(A) will have
(B) have
(C) had
(D) are going to have
参考答 🕸 案 🐝
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. B
10. B
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. B
16. C
17. B
18. A
19. B
20. D