郑州 🐛 学校英语专升本(郑州师范英语教育专业专升本)
- 作者: 陈瑞瑾
- 来源: 投稿
- 2025-02-22
1、郑州学校英语专 🦟 升本
郑州学校英 🐝 语专升本报 🌳 考指 🌹 南
一 ☘ 、简介
专升本是专科生提升学历的一种途径,通,过参加考试和录取专科生可以升入本科院校继续 🐧 学习。郑。州学校英语专升本是指郑州地区专科院校英语专业学生升入本科院校英语专业的考试
二、考 🐎 试 🌹 科目
郑州学校英语专升本考试科目包括英语 🌼 (含听力、阅、读、理、解完型填空翻译写作 🦟 )、政、治大学语文。
三、报 🐼 考 🐳 条件
1. 取得国 🌴 家承认的专科毕业证书。
2. 英语专业,符合 🐶 相 🦁 关专业要求。
3. 通过全国大学英 🐶 语四 🌲 级考试(CET-4)或同等水 🐺 平考试。
四、报考 🐈 流程
1. 网报:考生在指定时间内登 🐴 录河南省教育考试院网 🦆 站进行网上报 🐝 名。
2. 现场确认:考生持 🐈 相关材料 🌴 到指定地点进行现场确认。
3. 考试 🐅 考:生按照准 🦄 考证上的时间和 🦄 地点参加考试。
4. 录取:考试成绩公布 🐦 后,根据录取分数线和招生 🦍 计划进 🐟 行录取。
五、备考建 🦈 议
1. 英语:注重词汇和语法基础,加 🐴 强听力、阅读和写作能力。
2. 政治:牢 🦈 记基本概念和理论,熟 ☘ 读教材 🌲 。
3. 大学语文:掌握文言文和现代文阅读理 🌳 解方法,练习写作。
4. 心态调整 🐟 :保持良 🐅 好心 🐕 态,合,理安排复习时间避免盲目刷题。
六 🦟 、
郑州学校英语专升本考试为专科生提供了继续提 🐱 升学历的机会考生。要认真 🌺 准备,把,握机会。努力考取 🌹 理想的本科院校
2、郑州师范英语 🌲 教育专业专升本
郑州师范英语教育专业专升 🍀 本
简 🌼 介 🌷
郑州师范大学英语教育专业专升本招 🍀 生面向所有取得国民教育系列专科文凭的考生。该专业培养具有良好的英语语言能力教学能力、和。职业素养的英语教师
招生 🐋 条件
1. 取得经教育部批准的 🍀 国民 🦟 教育系列专科文凭(含自考和成 🪴 人高考)。
2. 英 🦉 语专 🐬 业或英语教育专业毕业。
3. 身 💮 体健康,符合教师 🌾 职业适应标 🍁 准。
考 🌷 试 🦟 科目 🌴
1. 英 🐡 语综合能 🦢 力(笔 🦉 试)
2. 英语教育学(笔试 🦟 )
3. 面 🌴 试 🌷
培养目 🐕 标 🐋
本专业旨 🍁 在培养德智体美劳全面发展的英语教师,具备以 🦉 下能力:
1. 扎 🌼 实 🦉 的英语语言基 🐶 础。
2. 熟练的英 🦅 语教学方法。
3. 较强的教育理论知识和教 💐 育实践能力。
4. 良好的职 🐧 业道德和职业素养 🐧 。
培 🐝 养方 🐼 式 🐕
本专业采用理论与实践相结合的培养模式,通过课堂教学实践教学、研、讨、会实,习等多种形 🐡 式提高 🐬 学生的综合能力。
就 🦆 业 🐠 前 🌹 景
该专业毕业生 🦢 就业前景广阔,可 🐡 从事以下工作:
1. 中小学英语 🐟 教 🦋 师 🌻
2. 高 🌺 校英 🌹 语 🐡 教师
3. 英语培训机 🦉 构讲师
4. 翻译 🌹 工 🐳 作
5. 外事工 🪴 作
报 🐺 考 🍀 流 🦍 程
1. 查看报考简章,了解招生条件和考 🕷 试科目。
2. 网上报名,填写报 🌾 考信息。
3. 缴纳报 🐕 名费 🍀 。
4. 参加考试 🌸 。
5. 等待考 🐎 试结 🐡 果。
6. 填 🌺 报志 🌿 愿 🌵 。
7. 等 🦍 待录取通知书。
郑州师范大学 🐴 英语教育专业专升本为专科毕业生提供了继续深造和提升职业能力的平台。该专业。培养的英语教师将为中小学英语教 🌷 育事业的发展贡献力量
3、郑州学校英语专升本考试真题 🕷
郑州学 🐠 校英语专升 🐈 本考试真题 🐧
一、单项选择题(每题 2 分,共 🌷 分 20 )
1. He _____ the door quietly so as not to disturb her.
(A) closed
(B) had closed
(C) closes
(D) is closing
2. I _____ my work for two hours before I had to leave.
(A) finish
(B) had finished
(C) am finishing
(D) have finished
3. _____ I was washing my hands, the phone rang.
(A) While
(B) When
(C) After
(D) Before
4. She _____ to play the guitar for many years.
(A) learnt
(B) has learnt
(C) will learn
(D) learns
5. He seemed _____ to the news.
(A) indifferent
(B) interested
(C) serious
(D) optimistic
二、阅读理解题 🌹 (每题 5 分,共分 20 )
Passage 1
The United States is a nation of immigrants. People from all over the world have come to America in search of a better life. They have brought with them their cultures, traditions, and languages. As a result, the United States is a melting pot of different cultures.
One of the most visible signs of the United States' cultural diversity is the food. Americans enjoy a wide variety of cuisines, from traditional American dishes such as hamburgers and hot dogs to ethnic foods from all over the world. Chinese, Mexican, and Italian restaurants are found in every city and town.
Another sign of cultural diversity is the language. Although English is the official language of the United States, many other languages are spoken by immigrants and their descendants. Spanish, Chinese, and French are the most common non-English languages spoken in the country.
The cultural diversity of the United States is reflected in all aspects of American life. It is found in the music, art, literature, and religion of the country. It is also found in the way Americans celebrate their holidays and the way they interact with each other.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
2. What are some of the ways that the cultural diversity of the United States is visible?
3. How is the cultural diversity of the United States reflected in American life?
Passage 2
In the early days of the Internet, people used to think that it would make the world a more democratic place. They believed that everyone would have access to information and that this would lead to a more informed and engaged citizenry. However, it has become increasingly clear that the Internet can also be used to spread misinformation and propaganda.
One way that misinformation is spread on the Internet is through social media. Social media platforms allow users to share information quickly and easily. However, this also means that misinformation can spread rapidly and reach a large number of people.
Another way that misinformation is spread on the Internet is through fake news websites. These websites often look like legitimate news organizations, but they actually publish false and misleading information. Fake news websites can be difficult to identify, and many people believe the information they publish because it confirms their own beliefs.
The spread of misinformation on the Internet is a serious problem. It can lead to people making decisions based on false information. It can also damage trust in the media and other institutions.
1. What were people's expectations about the Internet in the early days?
2. How is misinformation spread on the Internet?
3. What are some of the potential consequences of the spread of misinformation on the Internet?
三、完形填空题 🌻 (每题 2 分 🦈 ,共 🌹 分 20 )
My parents always told me to be honest, and I have always tried to live up to that _____. I believe that _____, even when it is difficult, is the _____. I have _____ that being honest has always worked out _____ for me in the _____.
1. (A) teaching
(B) principle
(C) belief
(D) rule
2. (A) honesty
(B) loyalty
(C) bravery
(D) kindness
3. (A) better
(B) right
(C) harder
(D) easier
4. (A) taught
(B) known
(C) believed
(D) proven
5. (A) good
(B) bad
(C) well
(D) badly
6. (A) end
(B) long run
(C) future
(D) present
四 🦁 、翻译题(每题 🐘 5 分,共 🌳 分 10 )
1. 我已 🐟 经 🐕 等了两个小时了。
2. 我希望你能理 🌻 解我的感受 💐 。
五 🪴 、写 🦅 作题(20 分)
请写 🌼 一 🐎 篇关 🌷 于“我的理想工作的”短文(不少于 120 字)。