云南 🕊 专升本异地(云南专升本2024什 🌳 么时候考)
- 作者: 李穆川
- 来源: 投稿
- 2025-03-04
1、云南专升 🐱 本 🐘 异地
云南 🐠 专升本异地报考指 🕷 南
1. 报考条件 🪴
- 具有云南 🐧 户籍或 🐬 在云南 🐠 工作、学习满3年
- 已 🐅 取得专科毕业证书或在校应届 ☘ 毕业 🕷 生
- 符 🐅 合各招生院校的具体报考条 🐘 件
2. 报考 🐋 流 🕷 程
(1)网上报 🕷 名
- 登陆云南省教育考试 🕊 院网站(
- 进入 🍀 “招生考试”栏目,点“击”专升本报名 🍁 系统
- 按照系 🦊 统提 🌴 示完 🐋 成网上报名
(2)现 🦆 场确 💮 认
- 携带相关证件(身份证 🦍 、户、口本专科毕业证或学信网打印证明)
- 到指定的 🐛 地点进行现场确认,提交报名材料并缴纳报名 💐 费
3. 考试 🌷 时间及科 🌻 目 🐕
- 考 🌾 试时间 🐵 :一般在每年4月上旬
- 考试科目:公 🐞 共课 🐘 (英语、政、治数学)+专业课 🐵
4. 异 🐘 地报 🐋 考 🕸
- 报 🐘 名时选择异地 🐬 报考
- 考试时按照报 🦢 名时选择的异地考点参 🌾 加考试
- 成 💐 绩公布后,异地报考考生可根据成绩在网上 🦆 填报志愿
5. 录取规 🐺 则
- 根据 🌸 考生考试成绩和志愿,按照“从,高分到低分平行志愿”的原则录取
- 各招生院校有各自的录取标准和名额分 🐠 配,考生需关注具体院校的招生简章
6. 注意事 🐦 项
- 异地报考考生需提前 🐕 了解 🐺 异地考点情况,包括考试地点、住宿条件等 🐒
- 考试 🐬 时携带准考证、身份证等有效证件
- 仔细查看各招生院校的招生简 🦍 章,了解报考条 🦆 件考、试、科目录 🌺 取规则等信息
- 及 🌳 时关注云南省教育 🐯 考试院网站,获取考试相关通知和信息 🌺
2、云南专升本2024什么时 🦆 候考
云南 🌵 专升本2024年考试时间
一、考试 🦊 时间 🦉
云南 🌲 省2024年2024专4升本考试将于年 🌼 月29日(星期日)举 🐞 行。
二、考 🌾 试科目
1. 公 🕊 共课:英 🌼 语 🐒 、计算机
2. 专 🕊 业课:根据所报考的专业而定,具体科目见各高校招生简章。
三、报 💮 名 🐕 时 🌾 间
1. 网上报 🌻 名:一般在3月中旬 🐶 至月中旬4
2. 现场 🌻 确认:一般 🌿 在4月下旬
四 🕊 、报 🌷 考条 🌲 件
1. 具有普通高等学校 🐒 专科毕业证书或高级职业学校毕业 🍁 证书。
2. 符合各招生高校规 🍁 定的专业报考条件。
五、考试方 🐳 式 🐋
1. 公共 🦢 课:笔试
2. 专业 🌳 课:笔试或技能测试
六、成 🐡 绩公布
考试成 🐳 绩一般 🕊 在5月下旬公布。
七 🐱 、录取流程 🌾
1. 高校根 🐬 据考试成绩和招生计划进行录取。
2. 录取通知 🐘 书一般在6月中旬至月 🦁 7初发放。
八、温 🐡 馨提示
1. 考 🦢 生应及时关注云南省教育考试院官方网站 🐝 发布的 🦄 最新信息。
2. 考生应认真备考,争 🍁 取取得优异成绩。
3. 如有任何疑问,可咨询各招生 🕸 高校 🐞 或云南省 🦢 教育考试院。
3、云南专升本 💐 英语真题试卷及答案
云南专升本 🐳 英 🌹 语真题试卷 🐧 及答案
随着专升本考试的临近,广大考生都在积极备考中。为,了,帮。助考生更好地备考本文整理 🌵 了云南专升本英语真题试卷及答案供考生参考
一、阅 🌼 读 🌳 理解 🐎
1. [真 🦄 题 🕸 ]
阅读下列短文 🦁 ,完成 🐛 下列各题。
The Internet has become an indispensable part of our lives. We use it to communicate with friends and family, to conduct business, and to access information and entertainment. However, the Internet can also be a source of danger. One of the most common dangers is cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying is the use of electronic devices to bully or harass someone. It can take many forms, such as sending hurtful or threatening messages, posting embarrassing photos or videos, or spreading rumors online. Cyberbullying can have a devastating impact on its victims, leading to depression, anxiety, and even suicide.
There are a number of things you can do to protect yourself from cyberbullying. First, be aware of the signs. If you receive a message that is hurtful or threatening, or if you see someone posting embarrassing photos or videos of you online, it is important to take action.
Second, tell someone you trust. This could be a parent, teacher, friend, or another trusted adult. They can help you to deal with the situation and to protect yourself from further harm.
Third, report the bully to the website or platform where the bullying is taking place. Most websites and platforms have policies against cyberbullying and will take action to remove the offending and to punish the bully.
[答案 🍀 ]
1. A common danger on the Internet is cyberbullying, which involves using electronic devices to bully or harass someone.
2. Cyberbullying can have a devastating impact on victims, leading to depression, anxiety, and even suicide.
3. To protect yourself from cyberbullying, be aware of the signs, tell someone you trust, and report the bully to the website or platform where the bullying is taking place.
2. [真 🌵 题]
阅读下列短文,完成 🐟 下列各题。
The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world. It is located off the coast of Australia and stretches for over 1,400 miles. The Great Barrier Reef is home to a vast array of marine life, including over 1,500 species of fish, 400 species of coral, and 4,000 species of mollusks.
The Great Barrier Reef is a popular tourist destination, and it is estimated that over two million people visit the reef each year. Visitors can explore the reef by snorkeling, scuba diving, or taking a boat tour.
However, the Great Barrier Reef is facing a number of threats, including climate change, pollution, and overfishing. Climate change is causing the ocean to become warmer and more acidic, which is damaging the coral reefs. Pollution from land-based sources is also harming the reef, and overfishing is reducing the number of fish that live on the reef.
[答 🐠 案 🌻 ]
1. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world, stretching over 1,400 miles off the coast of Australia.
2. The reef is home to a vast array of marine life, including over 1,500 species of fish, 400 species of coral, and 4,000 species of mollusks.
3. The Great Barrier Reef is a popular tourist destination, with over two million visitors each year.
4. The reef is facing threats from climate change, pollution, and overfishing, which are damaging the coral reefs and reducing the number of fish that live there.
二 🌺 、完 ☘ 形 🐎 填空
1. [真 🦊 题 🕸 ]
Complete the following text by filling in the blanks with the most appropriate words.
I was born in a small town in the Midwest. As a child, I loved to spend my summers playing outside with my friends. We would ride our bikes, play baseball, and swim in the local river. I had a very happy childhood.
When I was in high school, my family moved to a big city. At first, I was scared and homesick. I missed my friends and the familiar surroundings of my hometown. But I eventually adjusted to my new life. I made new friends and found new activities that I enjoyed.
I am now a college student, and I am majoring in engineering. I am working hard towards my goal of becoming an engineer. I know that it will be a challenging road, but I am determined to succeed.
I am thankful for the experiences I have had in my life. I have learned the value of hard work, perseverance, and friendship. I believe that these qualities will help me to achieve my goals and to live a happy and fulfilling life.
1. [答 🌸 案 🦟 ]
1. Complete
2. most
3. very
4. homesick
5. acquainted
6. majoring
7. determined
8. life
9. friendship
10. goals