山 🐺 大专升本英语(山东大学网络教育专升本英语模拟题)
- 作者: 李元苓
- 来源: 投稿
- 2025-03-07
1、山 🐋 大专 🐳 升本英语
山 🌼 大专升 🌾 本英语
一 🌿 、考 🌷 试概况
山东大学专升本英语考试为全国统一考试考试,时间为 🐠 每年4月中旬考试时。长为150分,钟150满。分分
二、考试内 🐠 容
考 🐴 试内容 🦟 包括 🍀 :
1. 语法和 🐛 词汇
2. 完 🕊 形 🌿 填 🦉 空
3. 阅 🐱 读理 🦄 解
4. 作 🐵 文 🌵
三 🌾 、备考 🐬 重 🐦 点
1. 语 🐬 法和 🦉 词 🌷 汇
重点掌握英语基本语法知识,如时态语态、非、谓语、动、词虚拟语气从句等。同,时,积。累英语 🐈 词汇尤其是与专升本考试相关的专业词汇
2. 完形 🐈 填 💐 空
完形填空考察考生对语言的理解和 🌸 整合能力。通常要求考生根据上下文语境,选。取合适的词语填空
3. 阅读 🪴 理解 💮
阅读理解考察考生对文章的理解和分析能力。通常 🐛 包括长篇阅读和短篇阅读,内 🐛 容涵盖社会文、化 💮 、科。技等各个方面
4. 作 🐝 文 🐛
作文考察考 🐴 生书面表达能力和综合运用英语知识的能力。通。常要求考生 🌲 根据给出的主题进行英语短文写作
四、备考建 🌳 议
1. 制定学 🐞 习 🦊 计划
制定科学合理的学习计划 🍁 ,安排充足的时间复习备考。
2. 掌握重点知 🐘 识
集中精力掌握考试重点内 🐒 容,如语法 🐟 、词汇和完形填空。
3. 勤加 🕸 练 🌳 习
通过做 🐳 题练 🐈 习巩固知识,提高解题能力。
4. 模 🦋 拟考 🍀 试 🐱
在考试前进行模拟考试,熟,悉 ☘ 题型和考试流程调 🌴 整考试心态。
5. 关注时 🕸 政和热 🌼 点
阅 🐅 读时事新 🌻 闻和科普文章,积,累 🐈 ,素材拓宽视野为作文写作提供素材。
6. 注 🌾 重 🦁 积累
平时的英语积累非常重要,可,以,多读英语书籍和文章听 💐 英语广播和看英语电影以提高英语综合能力。
2、山东大学 🪴 网络教育专升本英语模拟题
山东大学网络教育专升本英语 🦟 模 🌿 拟题
一、单项选 🐕 择
1. He _____ the door and walked in.
(A) opened (B) open (C) was opening (D) has opened
2. The teacher asked the students _____ the answers to the questions.
(A) to write down (B) write down (C) writing down (D) written down
3. I _____ him since last week.
(A) haven't seen (B) didn't see (C) hadn't seen (D) won't see
4. _____ weather we have today!
(A) How fine (B) What a fine (C) How fine a (D) What fine a
5. The information _____ very useful.
(A) proves (B) proved (C) is proved (D) being proved
6. He _____ to the doctor.
(A) went (B) goes (C) has gone (D) will go
7. I _____ my homework before I went to bed.
(A) have finished (B) had finished (C) finishing (D) finish
8. _____ all your attention to your studies.
(A) Pay (B) Paying (C) Paid (D) Having paid
9. The child _____ asleep.
(A) falls (B) fell (C) has fallen (D) will fall
10. I _____ my lost key.
(A) have found (B) found (C) have been found (D) was found
二 🐳 、完形 🐞 填空
阅读下面短文,掌,握其大意然后从每题所给的 🐝 四个选项中 🐕 选出一个最佳答案。
I was lost in the forest. I had been wandering around for hours, and I had no idea where I was going. I was starting to get scared.
Just when I was about to give up, I saw something in the distance. It was a small cabin. I ran towards it as fast as I could.
When I got to the cabin, I knocked on the door. An old woman opened the door and looked at me.
"Can I help you, child?" she asked.
"I'm lost," I said. "Can you help me find my way back home?"
"Of course," she said. "Come in."
I went into the cabin and sat down. The old woman gave me some food and water. Then she helped me to find my way back home.
I was so grateful to the old woman. She had saved my life.
1. The author was lost in the ___.
(A) city (B) forest (C) park (D) beach
2. The author was starting to get ___.
(A) happy (B) scared (C) angry (D) tired
3. The author saw a _____ in the distance.
(A) store (B) car (C) cabin (D) house
4. The old woman offered the author some _____.
(A) food and water (B) clothes and shoes (C) money and a map (D) a bed and a bath
5. The author was grateful to the old woman because she had ___.
(A) given him food and water (B) found his way back home (C) saved his life (D) A and C
三、阅读 🐒 理解
阅读 🐅 下面短 🐵 文,并回 🌺 答问题。
My name is Tom. I am a student from China. I have been studying in the United States for two years. I am majoring in computer science.
I like studying in the United States. The teachers are very helpful and the students are friendly. I have made many friends here. I also like the American culture. It is very different from Chinese culture.
However, there are some things that I don't like about studying in the United States. One thing is that the cost of living is very high. It is much more expensive to live in the United States than in China. Another thing is that I miss my family and friends in China. I don't get to see them very often.
Overall, I am happy with my experience studying in the United States. I am learning a lot and I am making new friends. However, I do miss my family and friends in China and I find it expensive to live here.
1. What is the author's name?
2. Where is the author from?
3. What is the author majoring in?
Computer science
4. What does the author like about studying in the United States?
The helpful teachers, friendly students, and American culture
5. What does the author not like about studying in the United States?
The high cost of living and missing his family and friends in China
6. Overall, is the author happy with his experience studying in the United States?
3、山东专升本大学英语考 🦢 试大纲
山 🌲 东专升本大学英语考试大 🌷 纲
山东专升本大学英语考试旨在选拔英语基础 💐 扎实、具备 🌿 较强英语语言能力的考生,为高校本科阶段英语教学打下坚实基础。
考 🐎 试范围
考试范围包括以下模 🦅 块:
1. 词汇:约 5,000 个四 🦆 级英语 🌻 单 🐛 词
2. 语法:基本 🦈 语法规 🕸 则和应用 🌲
3. 阅 🦢 读理解理解:文章大 🐧 意、段、落主旨细节信息等 🐳
4. 完形填空:根据上下文补充缺失单词,理解文 🦄 章整体含义
5. 翻译:汉译英 🌿 或英 🐴 译汉,考察语言表达和理解能力
6. 写作:短文写作,考察观点陈述、论证 🌴 和语言表达能力 🦊
考 🌵 试 🌵 题型 🕊
考试 🍁 题型 🕊 为客观题和主观题 🐵 :
1. 客观 🐴 题:选择题(单选和多选)、完形填空
2. 主观 🐋 题:翻译、短文写 🌻 作
考试时 🍁 间
考试时间 🦄 为 120 分钟。
考 🌵 试难 🌾 度 🌲
考试难度 🌵 相 🌿 当于大学英语四级 🐈 水平。
复习建议 🌳
1. 夯实基础:掌握 🌼 基本语 🦆 法规 🦍 则和单词。
2. 提 🦆 高阅读能力:多阅读英语文章提,升理解 🌻 力和信息获取能力。
3. 练习完形填空:通过练习 🌾 提 🌻 高词语辨 🐯 析和上下文理解能力。
4. 加强翻译能力:多练习汉译英和英译汉,增强语言 🪴 表达和理解能力。
5. 提高 🍀 写作水平:多 🦉 写短文,锤炼观点陈述、论证和 🐧 语言表达能力。
6. 把握考试规律:分析历年真题 🐎 ,掌握考试重点 🌳 和难点。