- 作者: 郭允翊
- 来源: 投稿
- 2024-04-08
1. 学历提升:专升本后,考生将获得本科文凭,在学历上达到更高的水平。
2. 就业优势:拥有本科文凭的毕业生在就业市场上具有更高的竞争力,可以申请更多高薪职位。
3. 继续深造:专升本后的毕业生可以直接报考研究生考试,继续深造。
1. 拥有普通高中文凭或同等学历
2. 符合各省市规定的报考条件
3. 通过全国统一考试
1. 了解并报名:考生需要了解各省市的招生政策,按规定报名。
2. 备考:认真复习考试内容,参加模拟考试。
3. 考试:参加全国统一考试,并达到录取分数线。
4. 录取:根据考试成绩和录取分数线,考生会被录取到指定的本科院校。
1. 早做准备:从高一开始就要有意识地为专升本做准备,养成良好的学习习惯。
2. 明确目标:确定自己想要报考的本科专业和院校,并为之努力。
3. 坚持不懈:专升本的备考过程漫长而艰辛,需要坚持不懈的努力和毅力。
4. 抱有信心:相信自己有能力通过专升本考试,并为之付出最大努力。
2021 年普通高等教育专升本招生录取
2021 年普通高等教育专升本(以下简称“专升本”)招生录取工作已顺利结束。本次专升本招生录取坚持公平公正、公开透明的原则,招生规模稳步扩大,录取质量不断提升。
2021 年,全省专升本招生计划数为 [数字],较上年增加 [数字] 个。其中,普通本科招生计划数为 [数字],比上年增长 [百分比];第二学士学位招生计划数为 [数字],比上年增长 [百分比]。
本次专升本录取共录取 [数字] 名考生,其中普通本科 [数字] 名,第二学士学位 [数字] 名。录取率为 [百分比],比上年提高 [百分比] 个百分点。
2021 年专升本录取分数线较上年有所提高。普通本科录取平均分 [数字] 分,比上年提高 [数字] 分;第二学士学位录取平均分 [数字] 分,比上年提高 [数字] 分。
1. 本科专科对口类:指考生所学的高职专业与本科专业相同或相近。
2. 本科扩招类:指高校在招生计划外扩招的本科专业,面向社会公开招生。
3. 单独招生类:指高校按照国家和省级相关政策,单独组织的专升本招生。
4. 优秀专升本人才培养计划:指高校面向具有较高专业技能和职业素养的专科毕业生,实施的专升本培养计划。
2021 年专升本招生录取工作呈现以下亮点:
1. 招生规模扩大:招生计划数进一步增加,为更多专科毕业生提供了继续深造的机会。
2. 录取率提升:录取率持续提高,反映了专升本教育的社会认可度不断增强。
3. 录取分数提高:录取分数线提高,表明专升本生源质量不断提升。
4. 录取类别完善:新增本科扩招类和优秀专升本人才培养计划招生类别,拓宽了专升本人才培养渠道。
2021 年专升本招生录取工作圆满完成,为进一步推动高等教育的公平公正和高质量发展奠定了坚实的基础。相关部门和高校将继续努力,不断深化专升本教育改革,为社会培养更多高技能、高素质的应用型人才。
I. 单选题(每题3分,共15分)
1. The idea of building a new library in the city has been ______ by all the residents.
(A) rejected
(B) welcomed
(C) ignored
(D) postponed
2. ______ books you want, I'll buy them for you.
(A) However many
(B) As many
(C) Whatever
(D) Which
3. ______, the baby was born prematurely.
(A) Regretting
(B) Regretfully
(C) To regret
(D) Being regretted
4. _______ by his parents, the boy left home at the age of 16.
(A) Being neglected
(B) Having been neglected
(C) To be neglected
(D) Neglecting
5. _______, he couldn't finish the task on time.
(A) Busy as he was
(B) Being busy as he was
(C) Busy as he is
(D) Having been busy as he was
II. 完形填空(每题1.5分,共15分)
6. It is often said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. In other words, they reveal our thoughts and emotions. ______, our eyes can also tell us a great deal about our physical health.
(A) Therefore
(B) However
(C) In fact
(D) Moreover
7. ______ of the children in the orphanage have lost their parents.
(A) Two third
(B) Two thirds
(C) Two-thirds
(D) Two third of
8. ______ some difficulties, he managed to finish the project on time.
(A) Despite
(B) In spite
(C) Though
(D) However
9. ______, the boy was very sorry for what he had done.
(A) Knowing his fault
(B) To know his fault
(C) Knew his fault
(D) Having known his fault
10. ______ the weather was very bad, we decided to go for a walk.
(A) In spite of
(B) Despite of
(C) Even though
(D) Although
III. 阅读理解(每题4分,共20分)
11. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
(A) A study has shown that the eyes can reflect our physical health.
(B) The iris is the colored part of the eye.
(C) The pupils are the black part of the eye.
(D) The pupils can change size to control the amount of light entering the eye.
12. What can we infer from the passage?
(A) A healthy body leads to healthy eyes.
(B) Eye diseases can be detected by observing the eyes.
(C) The eyes are the most important part of the human body.
(D) Blindness is caused by physical health problems.
13. What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) The eyes are a valuable tool for detecting health problems.
(B) The eyes are a source of inspiration for artists.
(C) The eyes are a symbol of hope for people with disabilities.
(D) The eyes are a mysterious part of the human body.
14. The passage is mainly written for ______.
(A) medical students
(B) scientists
(C) the general public
(D) teachers
15. Which of the following words in the passage is used to describe the relationship between the eyes and health?
(A) Vital
(B) Crucial
(C) Essential
(D) Indispensable
IV. 作文(20分)
请以“The Importance of Education”为题,写一篇不少于120词的英语文章。文章要求观点明确,内容全面,语言流畅,结构清晰。