- 作者: 郭北棠
- 来源: 投稿
- 2024-04-18
1. 考试时间:每年5月份
2. 考试科目:英语(笔试)
3. 试卷结构:
- 第一部分:完形填空(15分)
- 第二部分:阅读理解(35分)
- 第三部分:翻译(20分)
- 第四部分:写作(30分)
4. 考试时长:120分钟
5. 成绩计算:笔试成绩占专升本考试总成绩的30%
1. 词汇积累:
- 背诵常用的词汇和短语,建议每天至少记忆10个新单词。
- 阅读英语文章和新闻,积累实际语境中的词汇用法。
2. 语法基础:
- 复习基础语法知识,包括时态、语态、词性等。
- 定期做语法练习题,巩固语法概念。
3. 阅读理解:
- 加强对英语文章的理解能力,提高阅读速度和准确率。
- 分析文章结构、找出重点信息、文章主旨。
4. 翻译能力:
- 掌握基本的翻译技巧,包括意译和直译。
- 多练习翻译句子和短文,提高准确性和流畅性。
5. 写作技能:
- 熟悉不同的写作类型,如议论文、记叙文、说明文等。
- 掌握写作的基本格式和写作技巧,例如段落布局、语言表达。
1. 时间分配:合理安排考试时间,留出足够时间完成每部分题目。
2. 审题仔细:认真审题,把握题目要求和关键词。
3. 善用答题卡:答题时使用答题卡,保持书写清晰工整。
4. 检查复查:考试结束后,留出时间检查答题卡和试卷,确保答案准确无误。
5. 心理调整:保持稳定平和的心态,不要紧张或急躁。
1. I really appreciate your _________.
(A) encouragement
(B) encourages
(C) encouraged
(D) encouraging
2. He insisted on ________ me to the station.
(A) driving
(B) drive
(C) drove
(D) to drive
3. The population of the city is ________ 10 million.
(A) approximately
(B) approximately of
(C) approximate
(D) approximated
4. I would like to ________ some flowers as a gift.
(A) send
(B) be sent
(C) have sent
(D) have been sending
5. I hardly ever drink coffee, ________ tea.
(A) let alone
(B) let alone to drink
(C) to say nothing of
(D) to say nothing to drink
The other day I found myself in the waiting room of a doctor's office. As I sat there, I noticed ________(1) people sitting around me. I looked at one woman ________(2) was reading a magazine. I noticed that she was wearing a very ________(3) dress. I looked at another man who was ________(4) a newspaper. He had on a very ________(5) suit. I thought to myself, "Wow, these people must be ________(6) than me."
I looked ________(7) at my clothes. I was wearing a pair of old jeans and a T-shirt. I felt ________(8) and embarrassed. Just then, the doctor ________(9) me into the examining room. I told the doctor how ________(10) I felt about my clothes.
Reading Passage 1
The Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate. In the past, people had to rely on letters or phone calls to stay in touch with friends and family. Today, we can send emails, instant messages, and make video calls with just a few clicks.
The Internet has also made it easier to access information. In the past, people had to go to the library or buy books to learn about new topics. Today, we can find information on almost any subject by simply typing a few words into a search engine.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) The Internet has changed the way people communicate.
(B) The Internet has made it easier to access information.
(C) The Internet has revolutionized the way we do many things.
(D) The Internet has made the world a smaller place.
2. According to the passage, how has the Internet made it easier to communicate?
(A) We can send and receive emails and instant messages.
(B) We can make video calls.
(C) We can stay in touch with friends and family who live far away.
(D) All of the above
Reading Passage 2
In a recent study, researchers found that people who ate a healthy diet were less likely to develop heart disease. The study followed over 10,000 people for 10 years. During that time, the people who ate a healthy diet had a 20% lower risk of developing heart disease than the people who ate an unhealthy diet.
The study also found that the people who ate a healthy diet had lower levels of cholesterol and blood pressure. These are both risk factors for heart disease.
3. What was the purpose of the study?
(A) To find out if eating a healthy diet reduces the risk of heart disease
(B) To find out what foods are good for heart health
(C) To compare the diets of people who have heart disease to the diets of people who do not
(D) To find out how much exercise people need to do to reduce their risk of heart disease
4. According to the passage, what is a risk factor for heart disease?
(A) Eating a healthy diet
(B) High cholesterol levels
(C) Low blood pressure
(D) All of the above