- 作者: 胡温然
- 来源: 投稿
- 2024-04-12
1. 自主学习:学习时间和进度由学生自主安排,不受时间和空间限制。
2. 灵活考试:考试时间安排灵活,考生可根据自身情况选择合适的考试日期。
3. 社会认可:自考文凭受到国家认可,与统招文凭具有同等效力。
1. 综合教材:涵盖阅读、写作、语法、词汇等全面的英语学习内容。
2. 专项教材:针对特定技能(如写作、口语)或语言点(如语法、词汇)进行深入讲解。
3. 练习册:提供大量的练习题,巩固所学知识,提高实际运用能力。
1. 制定学习计划:明确学习目标、时间安排和具体步骤。
2. 循序渐进:从基础开始,逐步提升难度,确保每一步都学扎实。
3. 巩固练习:通过练习题反复巩固所学知识,提高熟练度。
4. 模块考试:参加自考英语各科目的考试,积累学分,完成文凭认证。
1. 坚持不懈:自学需要持之以恒,制定合理的学习计划并坚持执行。
2. 分解任务:将大任务分解成小块,逐个攻破,避免畏难情绪。
3. 善用资源:充分利用教材、练习册、网络资源等不同渠道进行学习。
4. 找寻支持:加入英语学习小组或找一位英语学习伙伴,相互鼓励和督促。
1. 复习教材:将所学知识系统梳理,查漏补缺。
2. 做模拟题:练习历年真题或模拟题,熟悉题型和考试要求。
3. 错题:记录错题,分析原因,避免下次再犯。
4. 加强听力:自考英语侧重听力理解,平时要多听英语广播或视频。
2012 版英语自学教程
英语语言自学变得越来越普遍,人们正在寻求方便、经济高效的方法来提高他们的语言技能。2012 年版英语自学教程就是这样一个工具,它旨在帮助学习者通过自学方式掌握英语语言。
1. 语法基础:涵盖英语语法的关键概念,例如句子结构、时态和语态。
2. 词汇扩展:介绍常用和学术词汇,并通过练习来提高单词记忆能力。
3. 阅读理解:逐步培养阅读技能,从简单文本到更复杂的材料。
4. 写作指导:提供写作基础,包括句子结构、段落组织和不同文体的练习。
5. 听力和口语:通过对话、练习和听力材料,提高理解和交流能力。
1. 清晰的说明:每个单元都有详细的解释和示例,使学习变得容易。
2. 互动练习:大量的练习和测验鼓励学习者积极参与学习过程。
3. 反馈和评估:定期进行自我评估和测验,提供进度反馈并识别需要改进的领域。
2012 版英语自学教程为自学者提供了许多好处,包括:
1. 灵活性:可以随时随地学习,无需课程或时间表。
2. 经济高效:与传统课程相比,成本更低。
3. 针对性:可以根据个人需求和进度量身定制学习计划。
4. 信心增强:通过自学过程,学习者可以建立对自己的能力的信心。
5. 持续进步:教程提供渐进式学习路径,让学习者随着时间的推移持续提高他们的技能。
2012 版英语自学教程是一个宝贵的资源,为自学者提供学习英语语言的全面和有效的工具。它提供了清晰的说明、互动练习和自学方法,使学习过程既方便又有效。通过利用这个教程,学习者可以提高他们的语法、词汇、阅读、写作、听力和口语技能,并增强他们的语言信心。
一、单项选择题(每题 1 分,共 20 分)
1. ______ the car, he was arrested for driving without a license.
(A) Droving
(B) Drive
(C) Driven
(D) Being driving
2. I ______ all night to finish the report.
(A) work
(B) worked
(C) has worked
(D) was working
3. ______ you read the newspaper this morning?
(A) Have
(B) Has
(C) Did
(D) Do
4. He ______ loves to play football.
(A) simply
(B) particularly
(C) really
(D) quite
5. ______ you go to the park, please take my dog with you.
(A) When
(B) If
(C) As
(D) Since
二、完形填空题(每题 1 分,共 10 分)
Bob was a young man who ______(6) a lot of money. He ______(7) it unwisely, and soon he ______(8) it all. Bob was now ______(9) and had nowhere to ______(10).
One day, he was walking along the street when he ______(11) an old woman. She ______(12) lost and didn't know where she was going. Bob ______(13) her home and ______(14) her some money.
The old woman was very ______(15) and gave Bob a piece of paper. On the paper was written: "He who gives will also ______(16)."
Bob was puzzled at first, but then he ______(17) the meaning of the words. He ______(18) that giving to others would also ______(19) him in some way.
From that day on, Bob ______(20) to give to others. He gave money to charities and helped those who were in need. And just as the old woman had said, giving to others also made Bob feel good.
6. (A) had
(B) have
(C) has had
(D) is having
7. (A) spend
(B) spent
(C) has spent
(D) was spending
8. (A) lost
(B) loosing
(C) lose
(D) was lost
9. (A) poor
(B) poverty
(C) impolite
(D) homeless
10. (A) go
(B) went
(C) has gone
(D) was going
11. (A) see
(B) saw
(C) has seen
(D) was seeing
12. (A) seems
(B) seemed
(C) has seemed
(D) was seeming
13. (A) help
(B) helped
(C) has helped
(D) was helping
14. (A) lend
(B) lent
(C) has lent
(D) was lending
15. (A) happy
(B) happier
(C) happily
(D) happiest
16. (A) take
(B) taken
(C) receive
(D) received
17. (A) know
(B) knew
(C) has known
(D) was knowing
18. (A) realized
(B) realize
(C) has realized
(D) was realizing
19. (A) help
(B) helped
(C) has helped
(D) was helping
20. (A) start
(B) started
(C) has started
(D) was starting
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. A
11. B
12. B
13. B
14. B
15. A
16. D
17. B
18. A
19. A
20. B