
淄 🌲 博张 🐛 店今天的成人学位英语考试(山西省成人本科学位英语考试真题)

  • 作者: 杨思影
  • 来源: 投稿
  • 2025-01-12

1、淄博张店今天的成人 🕷 学位英语考试

🦋 博张店今日举行成人学 🪴 🍁 英语考试

今日,淄博 🌴 张店举行成人学位英语考试。广,大考。生整装待发信心满满地参加考试

考试时 🐛 间和地点

🐝 试时间为上午考 🐕 试9:00-11:30。地点分布在张店区多所学校,包括 🐱

1. 张 🍁 店一中

2. 张 🐝 🌼 二中 🌲

3. 张店三中 🦟

4. 张店四 🌺 🦆

5. 张 🦅 店外 🐦 国语学 🐵

🌷 🌷 🐠

成人学位英语考试 🐟 主要包括以下内容:

1. 综 🐈 合能力测试(完形填 🦍 空、阅、读理解词 🦊 汇语法)

2. 英语应用能力(写 🌷 作、翻译)

考试注意 🍁 🍀

1. 携带本人有 🐎 效身份 🦆 证件和准考证。

2. 提前到达考场,做好准备 🍀

3. 遵守考场 🐎 纪律,诚 🌹 信应考。

4. 考生务必携带黑 🌺 🦁 签字笔和2B铅笔。

5. 考试结束 🍀 后考,生 🐵 须将试卷和答题卡交回 🕊 考场。

温馨 🌵 提示 🐋

1. 考生应提前 🦊 熟悉考场路 🌹 线,避 🕸 免迟到。

2. 注意调整 🐠 好心态,保持良好 🐴 的考试 🌲 状态。

3. 认真审题 🦢 ,沉,着答题争取取得理想成绩。

祝愿所有参加淄博张店成人学位英语考试的考生都能取得 🌻 满意的成绩 🐶

2、山西省 🐯 成人本科学位英语考试真题

山西省成 🍀 🐘 本科学位英语考试真题

I. 单 🍁 🕷 择 (50 分)

1. The ______ delayed our departure by two hours.

(A) harsh weather

(B) harsh weather has

(C) harsh weather was

(D) harsh weather being

2. ______ your advice, I decided to buy a new car.

(A) Following

(B) Following by

(C) Follow

(D) To follow

3. The students ______ in the library for three hours.

(A) have been studying

(B) studied

(C) were studying

(D) have studied

4. ______ is important for your health.

(A) Exercise regular

(B) Regular exercise

(C) To exercise regularly

(D) Exercising regularly

5. If you ______ me, I would have helped you.

(A) asked

(B) ask

(C) would ask

(D) had asked

II. 完形填空 (50 分 🐴 )

1. Every year, thousands of people come to the United States ______ a better life.

(A) seek

(B) to seek

(C) in seeking

(D) for seeking

2. You can't understand ______ with a dictionary.

(A) everything

(B) anything

(C) something

(D) nothing

3. ______ you work hard, you will not succeed.

(A) Even though

(B) As long as

(C) Unless

(D) Although

4. The teacher explained the problem ______.

(A) carefully

(B) carelessly

(C) quick

(D) slowly

5. ______ we saw John, we recognized him immediately.

(A) As soon as

(B) Soon as

(C) No sooner than

(D) Immediately when

III. 阅读理 🌵 解 (100 分)

Passage 1

Every day, we face a barrage of choices. From the moment we wake up, we start making decisions. What to wear, what to eat, what to do, and so on. Sometimes, these choices are easy to make, but other times, they can be difficult.

For example, imagine you are trying to decide what to eat for dinner. You could go to a restaurant, but that might be expensive. You could cook a meal at home, but that might take a lot of time. Or you could order takeout, but that might not be very healthy.

No matter what choice you make, there will always be trade-offs. If you go to a restaurant, you will spend more money, but you will have a nice meal. If you cook a meal at home, you will save money, but you will have to spend time preparing it. If you order takeout, you will get your food quickly, but it might not be very good for you.

The key to making good choices is to weigh the pros and cons of each option. Consider what is important to you and what you can afford. There is no one right answer, but there is an answer that is right for you.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

2. What are three examples of choices people make every day?

3. According to the passage, what is the key to making good choices?

Passage 2

The Internet has become an essential part of our lives. We use it to stay connected with friends and family, to learn new things, and to shop for goods and services. However, the Internet can also be a dangerous place.

One of the biggest risks of using the Internet is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is the use of electronic devices to bully or harass someone. Cyberbullying can take many forms, including sending hurtful or threatening messages, posting embarrassing photos or videos, and spreading rumors.

Cyberbullying can have a devastating impact on its victims. It can cause emotional distress, depression, and anxiety. In some cases, cyberbullying has even led to suicide.

There are a number of things that can be done to prevent cyberbullying. First, parents should talk to their children about cyberbullying and how to avoid it. Second, schools should create safe environments where students feel comfortable reporting cyberbullying incidents. Third, Internet companies should develop tools to help users report and prevent cyberbullying.

1. What is cyberbullying?

2. What are some of the risks of using the Internet?

3. What are three things that can be done to prevent cyberbullying?

3、2023年成人 🐋 学位英 🐼 语考试答案

2023 年成人 🐴 学位 🌿 🐱 语考试答案

I. 词汇 🐬 与语 🌼

1. 不定 🦢 🌴 🦄 :a / an

2. 定冠 🐘 词:the

3. 可 🦟 数名词 🪴

4. 不可数 🦄 名词 🦟

5. 主 🐧 格代 🦍

6. 宾 🐬 🌺 代词 💮

7. 所 🦉 有格代 🐺 🐶

8. 反 🍁 🦍 代词 🌾

9. 指示代词 🐋

10. 疑问代词 🦁

II. 句 🐵 🐞

1. 陈述句 🌴

2. 疑 🐟 🌲 🐵

3. 否 🐯 🕊 🐠

4. 祈使句 🐘

5. 被动 🕷 语态 🌹

6. 现在进行 🦄

7. 一般现在 🐦 🐟

8. 现在完 🦢 🦉 🦉

9. 一般 💐 过去时

10. 过 🐦 去完 🐦 成时

III. 阅读理解 🌸

1. 主题句 🦈 识别

2. 段落大意概 🌻

3. 推断 🌴 和判 🌿

4. 词汇 🦆 理解

5. 语法结构 🦋 分析

IV. 写作 🍁

1. 议 🌺 🌻 🐼

2. 记 🌻 叙文 🪴

3. 说明 🌲

4. 应 🌷 🍁

5. 语 🌸 🌲 正确 🌴

6. 清晰度和连贯性 💐

7. 语言 🐴 风格和 💐 词汇选择 💮

V. 翻 🐳 🕊

1. 英译汉 🌼

2. 汉 🌹 译英

3. 把握 🌼 原文意图 🐵

4. 忠实 🦊 准确地翻译 🐺

5. 行文 🐞 流畅 🌿 自然 🌷