
山大自考英语二怎么(山东大学自考综合服 🐒 务平台英语二阶段测评)

  • 作者: 胡星悦
  • 来源: 投稿
  • 2025-02-04

1、山大自考英语 💐 二怎么

山大自考英语 🌼 二备考指南

一、考试内容与 🌿 🐴 🌷

山大自考英语二考试内容主 🦄 要涵盖词汇语、法、阅、读理解写作等方面。需要掌握 🐡 的词汇量约为3500个要,求,熟,练。运 💐 用基本语法知识能够理解一般英语文章并能运用英语书写简单的文章

二、复习策 🌾

1. 词汇 🌵 积累:

- 使用词汇 🦍 书或APP背诵 🍀 单词。

- 通过 💮 阅读文章或听力材 🕊 料积累 🐬 新词。

- 定期 🐦 复习已学单词 🐼 ,避免遗 🌾 忘。

2. 语法复 💐 习:

- 复习 🐎 基本语法知识,如时态语态 🐅 、句、式等。

- 做语法练 🐺 习题,巩固知识点。

- 阅读英语 🌷 文章 🐛 并分析语法结构。

3. 阅 🌵 读理解:

- 多读英语 🦈 文章 🦉 ,扩大阅读量 🌾

- 掌握阅读 🦟 技巧,如 🐦 略读 🐦 、精读、猜测词义等。

- 通过做阅读 🌻 理解题练习,提升理解能力。

4. 写 🐦 🦟

- 掌 🦋 握基 🐦 本写作格式和 🐞 句式。

- 多练习写作,积累 🌼 素材和提高熟 🌸 练度。

- 找 🐧 师或 🐘 同学批改作文,获得反馈。

三、备 🦄 考材 🌷

1. 教材:《公共英语基 🐎 础教程(二)》(外语教 🐒 )学与研究出版社

2. 词汇书:《红 🐵 宝书》、《恋》恋有词等

3. 语法书:《新概 🦅 🐠 英语语法》等

4. 阅读材料 🌿 :《新东 🐟 方周报》、《英》语世界 💮

5. 真 💮 题试卷:历年自考英语二试卷

🌳 、备考时间安排

建议提前3-6个月开始复习。每 🦢 天安排1-2小时复习,分阶段 🦈 进行:

1. 基础阶段 🌳 :词汇积 🌾 累基、本 🦋 语法复习。

2. 强化阶段 🐡 :阅读理解练习、写作练 🐬 习。

3. 冲刺阶段:做真 🐺 题试卷、查漏补缺 🕊

五、其他建 🌴 🦆

1. 坚持不懈:备考英 🐒 语需要长期坚持不 🌻 要,三天打鱼 🐝 两天晒网。

2. 找同伴:与同学或 🐱 朋友一起复习,相互鼓励和监督。

3. 利用空余时间:在碎片时间 🌹 里背单词或做阅读理解练习。

4. 调整心态 🌵 :保持积极的心态 🍁 ,相信自己可以成功。

2、山东大学自考综 🌴 合服务平台英语二阶段测评

山东大学自考综 🐶 合服务平台英语二阶段测评

💐 🌿

山东大学自考综合服务平台是为自考考生提供在线学习考、试报名的综合服务平台。英语二阶段测评是该平台针对自考 🦁 英语科目推出的在线考试服务,旨在。帮助考生更好地备考并提高考试成绩

考试 💮 内容 🍁

英语二阶段测评覆盖了自考英语科目大纲的所有知 🐈 识点,主要包括以下内容:

1. 单 🐅 🐘 和短 🦊

2. 语法 💐 🐝 🦍

3. 阅读 🍀 🐱 🐬

4. 完形填 🐳 🐺

5. 翻 🦈 🦉

6. 写 🐒

考试形 🐕

英语二阶段测评采用在线机考形式考。试时长 🌿 为 120 分钟,满分为分 🪴 考试 100 题。型包括选择题、填、空。题翻译题和写作题

考试时间 🦢

英语二 🦊 阶段测评的考 🌳 试时间安排如下 🌾

第一阶段:考 🌴 试时间 🌲 为 1 月份左右

第二阶段:考试时间 🦅 为 7 月 🍀 份左 🦢

🐶 名方 🌾 🌾

考生可通过山东大学自考综合服务平台报名参加英语二阶段测评报名。时。间一 🐧 般为考试前一 🦁 个月左右

成绩 🐒 🕊

考试成 🌵 绩将在考试结束后 10 个 🐘 工作日内公布考。生。可登录山东大学自考综合服务平台查询成绩

山东 🐠 大学自考综合服务平台英语二阶段测评是自考英语考生备考的重要辅助工具。通过参加测评考生,可,以,及。时了解自己的学习进度查漏补缺提高考试成绩

3、山东大学自考英语二阶段 🐠 测评答案

山东大学自考英语二阶 🐕 段测评答案

一、词 🐵 🌷 与语 🐵

1. The new law is now in _______.





🐋 案: D

2. I didn't _______ any more questions.



(C)to ask

(D)being asked

🐞 🦊 : A

3. The accident was caused by _______.





🐞 🐛 : C

4. The teacher _______ the students to study hard.



(C)to encourage

(D)being encouraged

🌷 🌲 : A

5. _______, the car crashed into a tree.




(D)To suddenly

🦅 🐺 : A

二、阅 🌴 🦈 理解

Passage 1

The Internet has made it easier than ever to connect with people from all over the world. Social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, allow us to share our thoughts, photos, and videos with a global audience. However, this constant connectivity can also have negative consequences.

One concern is that social media can lead to social isolation. When we spend too much time interacting with others online, we may neglect our real-world relationships. This can result in feelings of loneliness and depression.

Another concern is that social media can be addictive. The constant stream of notifications and updates can make it difficult to resist checking our phones or computers. This can interfere with our work, studies, and other important activities.

In addition, social media can be a breeding ground for cyberbullying. People may use these platforms to spread rumors, post hurtful comments, or even threaten violence. This can have a devastating impact on victims.


6. What is one advantage of the Internet?

Answer: It makes it easier to connect with people from all over the world.

7. What is a potential downside of social networking sites?

Answer: They can lead to social isolation.

8. What can be a negative consequence of social media addiction?

Answer: It can interfere with our work, studies, and other important activities.

Passage 2

The Great Wall of China is one of the most iconic landmarks in the world. It was built over a period of centuries, beginning in the 7th century BC. The Great Wall was originally built to protect China from invasion by nomadic tribes.

The Great Wall is a staggering feat of engineering. It is over 13,000 miles long and is made up of stone, brick, and earth. The wall was built by millions of laborers, many of whom died during its construction.

The Great Wall is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is visited by millions of tourists each year. It is a testament to the ingenuity and perseverance of the Chinese people.


9. When did the construction of the Great Wall begin?

Answer: In the 7th century BC.

10. What was the original purpose of the Great Wall?

Answer: To protect China from invasion.

11. What is the Great Wall recognized as by UNESCO?

Answer: A World Heritage Site.