2016年万方专升本(2016年浙江 🐅 专升 🐠 本英语真题)
- 作者: 李芸汐
- 来源: 投稿
- 2025-02-05
1、2016年万方专升本 🦢
2016年 🐠 万方专升本
考 🦁 试 🐱 概况 🦋
2016年万 🦉 方专升本考试于3月26日举行,报名人数达万10余,人考试,科目为公共课和专业课公共课包括《大学英语和》计《算机应用基础》。
录 🐒 取 🐠 情况 🐶
录取结果于4月12日公布,共有2.5万,人通过录取线 🐅 录取率约为25%。其,中录取至本科院校的人数为万人录取至1.5专,科1院。校的 🐝 人数为万人
录取专 🐱 业
万 🐼 方专升本考试录取的 ☘ 专业包括:
1. 文史类:汉语 🐱 言文学、英语、历 🐳 史学、哲学
2. 理工类:计算 🐶 机科学与技术、电、子、信息工程机械工程土木工程
3. 经 🌲 管类:金融学 🦅 、会、计学 🕊 、市场营销管理学
4. 农学类农:业经济管理 🕸 、植、物生产动物生 🐕 产
5. 医学类:护 🐳 理 🐧 学、临床医学
备 🌳 考建 🪴 议 🌵
对于有意参加万方专升本 🐒 考试的考生,建议采取以下备考策略:
1. 制定周密的复 🌷 习计划:明确考试科目和重点,并 🐦 制定详细的复习时间 🪴 表。
2. 夯实基础知识:熟练掌握大学期间学习 🐅 的专 🐴 业知识和公共课基础,以确保答题的 🦉 准确性。
3. 加 💐 强真 🐬 题练习:反复练习 🐎 历年真题,熟,悉出题模式和重点考点提升答题技巧。
4. 重视模 🐵 拟考试:参与模拟考试,了,解自己 🦢 的薄弱环节 🐒 及时查漏补缺。
5. 保 🐟 持良好的心态保持:积极乐观的心态,避,免过度紧张自信地应对考试。
2、2016年浙江专升本 🐝 英语真题 🐳
2016年浙 🐅 江专升本英语真题解 🕷 析
一、词 🌻 汇与结构
1. Rather than trust our luck, we should make ___.
A. a careful plan B. a careful planning
C. careful plan D. carefully plan
2. As a kid, John was always fascinated with ___.
A. to watch the stars B. watch the stars
C. watching the stars D. watched the stars
二、阅 🌷 读理解 🦅
Passage 1
In an era dominated by electronic communication, the art of letter writing is in danger of dying out. However, a recent study by the University of California, Berkeley, suggests that handwritten letters may have a number of unexpected benefits.
The study found that people who wrote handwritten letters to a friend or family member experienced greater levels of empathy and connection than those who sent emails or text messages. This is likely due to the fact that handwritten letters require more effort and thought than electronic messages, which can be quickly and easily composed.
In addition, the study also found that handwritten letters can help to reduce stress levels. The act of writing by hand can be a relaxing and meditative experience, which can help to calm the mind and promote relaxation.
3. According to the passage, why is the art of letter writing in danger of dying out?
4. What is one of the potential benefits of writing handwritten letters?
Passage 2
The concept of sustainable development is one that seeks to balance the needs of the present with those of the future. This means considering the impact of our actions on the environment, society, and economy, and making decisions that will benefit all three.
One of the key principles of sustainable development is the use of renewable resources. Renewable resources are those that can be replenished naturally, such as sunlight, wind, and water. By using these resources instead of non-renewable resources, such as fossil fuels, we can help to reduce our impact on the environment.
Another important principle of sustainable development is social justice. This means ensuring that all members of society have access to the resources they need to live a good life, including education, healthcare, and affordable housing. By working to create a more just and equitable world, we can help to build a more sustainable future.
5. What is the main goal of sustainable development?
6. What is one way that we can promote sustainable development?
三 🍁 、完 🐳 形填 🐴 空
The recent economic downturn has caused many people to lose their jobs and homes. For those who are still ___(7)__, the job market can be a ___(8) and frustrating place. However, there are a few things that you can do to ___(9) your chances of finding a new job.
First, ___(10) a realistic assessment of your skills and experience. Identify the ___(11) areas where you excel and the areas where you need to improve. Then, focus on developing your strengths and ___(12) any weaknesses.
Second, ___(13) your network. Let your friends, family, and former colleagues know that you are ___(14). They may be able to ___(15) you with valuable contacts or leads on potential job openings.
7. A. employed B. unemployed
8. A. competitive B. cooperative
9. A. improve B. damage
10. A. come up with B. make
11. A. general B. specific
12. A. strengthening B. weakening
13. A. extend B. expand
14. A. looking for a job B. looking for trouble
15. A. provide B. deny
四 🦄 、翻 🐝 译 🐵
将下列句子翻 🐛 译成英 🐛 文 🐠 :
1. 人们经常低估了运动对他们身体和心理健康的 🐋 影响 🌵 。
2. 政府正在实施一项鼓励小企业 🪴 创 🐘 新的政策。
3、2016年浙江 🐒 专升本语文 🌾
2016年 🐴 浙江专升本 🦈 语 🐋 文
一、考试 🐺 概 🌴 况
2016年2016浙江专升本语文考试于年4月16日举行考试,时间为120分,钟满分分 🐒 150。
二 🦅 、试题结构
试题 🌴 分为三部分:
1. 基础 🦄 知识与 🌼 能力测验 🦍 (60分)
- 古代 🦆 文学常识 🦢
- 现代文学常识 🐴
- 语言 🐎 文 🐕 字运 🌻 用
- 文 🌸 化常 🐯 识 🐅
2. 阅读理 🐡 解(50分 🦈 )
- 文学 🌾 类阅读理 🐋 解
- 实 🌲 用 🌼 类阅读理解
3. 写 🐴 作 🌾 (40分 🕷 )
- 论 🐅 述 🌸 文 🌹
- 应用 ☘ 文
三、试题 🐡 特 🌿 点
1. 古代 🐠 文学分量较大
古代文学常识和文学类阅读理解占比较大,考 🐞 ,查的 🐕 范围广泛包括先秦两汉、魏、晋南北朝唐宋元明清各个时期的文学作品和作家。
2. 文化常识覆 🐵 盖 🐶 面广
文 🌿 化常识涉及历史、地、理哲 🌹 学等各 🦊 个方面,要求考生具有较高的文化素养。
3. 阅读理解 🐋 注重综合 🌻 能力
阅读理解题 🦉 不仅考查考生的理解力,还 🦋 考查他们的逻辑思维、分析综合能力和价值判断能力。
四、备考建议 🌷
1. 加 🐎 强基础知 🦍 识学习 🕷
熟记古代文学常识 🌼 、现代文学常识、语言文字 🕷 运用和文化常识,夯实基 🦁 础。
2. 广泛阅读积 🌵 累素 🐯 材 🐋
多阅读文 🐶 学作品、社会科学 🌸 著作和新闻报道,积,累写作素 🐈 材提高语言表达能力。
3. 练习阅读理解 🐕
通过做模拟题和历年真 🦅 题,掌,握阅读 🐕 理解的解题技巧提高 🌸 理解、分析和归纳概括的能力。
4. 注 🌷 重写作训练
熟练掌握论述文和应用文 🦁 的写作方法,善于构 🐺 思、选,材和谋 🕷 篇布局提升写作水平。